Venue and Performance Access Information: Irthlingborough Library
We hope that the following information will provide all the details you might need to know about accessing our performance, hosted in this unusual setting.
Venue Details
Address: Irthlingborough Library, High Street, Irthlingborough, NN9 5PU
This library is wheelchair accessible.
More information about the library can be found here:
There are 3 spaces outside the library, as well as on-street parking available and free parking in the town centre car park.
Wellingborough Train station is approximately a 10 minute drive to the library, but over an hour's walk.
Information about bus routes around the area can be found here:
Music and Sound
The performance features recorded music that underscores the performance throughout. This is played via a small speaker, controlled remotely (via Bluetooth) by the Company Director, Katie. The volume of the sound is kept low throughout the performance, but if at any time you would like Katie to turn down the music, please just let her know. Katie will make an announcement before the performance starts to explain this, to make sure the information is clear.
General Information
This is an interactive dance and story-telling performance, watching sections of dance, mixed in with hearing some parts of a story and sometimes joining in to play with some props. The performance is recreated for every different library we visit, but generally we spend the whole performance in the Children's Library area.
The performance is approximately 40-45 minutes in duration with no interval, and we ask our audiences to stand or sit (often on the floor, if this is possible), or to join in, following the dancers' instructions.
Should you need to bring a fold-up seat with you to access the performance, you are welcome to do so, but please inform us on arrival so that we can assist you as required to ensure best sight lines. There are also some natural rest points within the library, such as chairs or stools, which you may sit on if required during the performance.
The performance is usually followed by a short (optional) interactive session, between 15 and 30 minutes long depending on the library's requirements and how long you would like to stay. This consists of a colouring activity and, we hope, an opportunity for every child to plant and take away their own seed to look after at home.
Access to the Performance
You can read our Social Story as a pdf here:
A hard copy of this Social Story will be made available on the day of the performances in a designated 'Chill Out Space', along with a small selection of sensory toys. You are welcome to leave the performance at any time and move to the Chill Out Space, or somewhere else in the library as you prefer. You are also welcome to return to the performance at any time.
Please let us know (using the contact details for Katie above) if you require a printed copy of our performance script in advance of or during the performance.
Made By Katie Green is committed to inclusive practice. We endeavour to make all our events as accessible as possible. If you have any access or mobility requirements, or have difficulty standing for extended periods of time, please contact us in advance so that we can advise you on access and make the best arrangements for your visit.