Dancing in Caves: what we're finding out
The response to our callout for help with our Dancing in Caves project research has been amazing, and we would love to share a few snippets of things we're beginning to find out along the way...
The response to our callout for help with our Dancing in Caves project research has been amazing, and we would love to share a few snippets of things we're beginning to find out along the way...
People we would love to hear from: Anyone with a connection to caves, mines and underground spaces. We’re particularly interested to hear from miners and cavers. The information we collect through this research will inspire and inform the development of a new piece of dance theatre for family audiences, which will tour from 2017 onwards.
Over the past months, I have been undertaking more research into my Dancing in Caves project and the creation of my new promenade performance piece for caves and underground spaces with the working title Beneath Our Feet.
After 2 very exciting days preparing for our performances of The Imagination Museum at Creswell Crags on Sunday 27th July, I have also had a meeting with Dr David Strange-Walker from Trent & Peak Archaelogy today to talk about the Nottingham Caves, and the potential for future performances as part of the 'Dancing in Caves' project.